

1. What is faith?

A. Faith is a belief in the unseen:

  • 2Cor.4:18 — We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen…which are eternal
  • 2Cor.5:7 — We walk by faith, not by sight
  • Heb.11:27 — By faith he…endured, as seeing Him Who is invisible
  • (See also Rom.8:24)

B. Faith is a substantial & real thing:

  • Heb.11:1 — Faith is the substance (title deed) of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

2. The importance of faith:

  • Gal.5:6 — [Nothing] availeth any thing, (except) faith which worketh by love

A. We are saved by faith:

  • Jn.3:16 — Whosoever believeth in Him (Jesus) should…have everlasting life
  • Jn.3:36 — He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life
  • Lk.7:47-50 — Thy sins are forgiven. Thy faith hath saved thee
  • Acts 10:43b — Whoever believeth in Him…receive remission of sins
  • Acts 16:31 — Believe on…Jesus Christ, & thou shalt be saved
  • Rom.5:1 — Being justified by faith, we have peace with God
  • Gal.3:26 — Ye are all children of God by faith in Christ Jesus
  • Eph.2:8,9 — For by grace are ye saved through faith
  • Eph.3:17a — That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith
  • (See also 1Pet.1:9)

B. We must live by faith:

  • Gal.2:20 — Life which I live, I live by the faith of (Jesus)
  • Heb.10:38a — The just shall live by faith (See also Rom.1:17b)
  • 1Jn.5:4b — This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith

C. We cannot please God without faith:

  • Heb.11:6 — Without faith it is impossible to please Him (God)
  • Rom.14:23b — Whatsoever is not of faith is sin

D. Faith gives us the strength to keep going:

  • Psa.27:13 — I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living
  • Rom.11:20a — Thou standest by faith
  • 2Cor.4:16-18 — We faint not…while we look not at things which are seen, but at things which are not seen

3. The Word tells us to have faith:

A. In God & Jesus:

  • 2Chr.20:20 — Believe in the Lord your God
  • Mk.11:22 — Jesus saith unto them, Have faith in God
  • Jn.6:28,29 — Believe on Him (Jesus) Whom He (God) hath sent
  • Jn.14:1 — Ye believe in God, believe also in Me
  • 1Jn.3:23 — His commandment, that we should believe on Jesus
  • (See also Acts 20:21)

B. We are also to trust the Lord day by day:

  • Psa.37:5 — Commit way unto the Lord; trust also in Him
  • Prov.3:5,6 — Trust in the Lord with all thine heart
  • Jer.17:7 — Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, & whose hope the Lord is

C. Have faith in the Word, God’s promises to us:

  • Mk.1:15b — Repent ye, & believe the gospel
  • 2Pet.1:19 — We have a…sure Word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed (See also 2Pet.3:2)
  • (See also Acts 15:7)

4. How to obtain faith:

A. Faith is a gift from God:

  • Heb.12:2a — Jesus, the author & finisher of our faith
  • Rom.12:3b — God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith
  • 1Cor.12:7,9a — To another (is given) faith by the same Spirit
  • Gal.5:22 — The fruit of the Spirit is…faith
  • Eph.6:23 — Peace be to brethren…& love with faith, from God

B. Pray for it:

  • Mk.9:24 — Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief
  • Lk.17:5 — [They] said unto the Lord, Increase our faith

C. Read the Word:

  • Rom.10:17 — Faith cometh by hearing…the Word of God
  • Jn.20:30,31 — These are written that ye might believe
  • Acts 15:7b — Hear the word of the gospel & believe
  • Rom.15:4b — Written…that we through…Scriptures might have hope

D. The Word nourishes & builds up our faith:

  • Acts 20:32 — The Word of His grace, which is able to build you up
  • 1Tim.4:6b — Thou shalt be…nourished up in the words of faith

E. Read the Word in a receptive, believing spirit:

  • Lk.8:15 — They…which in an honest & good heart, having heard the Word, keep it, & bring forth fruit
  • Heb.4:2 — The Word…did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it
  • Heb.11:13 — [Past saints died in faith believing & embracing the promises of the Word]

F. Listen to testimonies of faith:

  • 2Ki.5:1-5 — [The Hebrew maid’s witness inspires Naaman’s faith]
  • Jn.4:28-30,39 — Many of the Samaritans…believed on Him (Jesus) for the saying of the woman, which testified
  • Jn.17:20 — Them which believe on Me through their word
  • (See also 2Pet.1:16,19)

G. Miracles glorify God’s power & often inspire faith:

  • Acts 3:1-13,16; 4:4 — [After the lame man was miraculously healed], many of them which heard the Word believed…5,000 men
  • Acts 8:5,6,14 — [Samaritans believed Philip & received the Word] seeing the miracles which he did
  • Acts 9:36-42 — Many believed in the Lord [when Peter raised the dead]
  • (See also 1Ki.18:30-39; 2Ki.5:9-17.)

H. Faith grows:

  • 2Thes.1:3 — We thank God for you…your faith groweth exceedingly

I. Becoming strengthened & steadfast in the faith:

  • Acts 14:22 — Confirming the souls of the disciples, & exhorting them to continue in the faith
  • 1Cor.16:13 — Watch ye, stand fast in the faith…be strong
  • Col.1:23a — Continue in the faith, grounded & settled, & be not moved away from the hope of the gospel
  • Col.2:6,7 — Rooted & built up in Him, stablished in the faith

J. We should have faith when we pray:

  • Mat.21:21,22 — Have faith, & doubt not…whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive
  • Mk.11:24 — What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them
  • Rom.4:21 — Being fully persuaded that, what He had promised, He was able also to perform
  • Heb.10:22 — Let us draw near…in full assurance of faith
  • Jam.1:5,6 — Ask of God…ask in faith, nothing wavering

5. The rewards (blessings or fruits) of faith:

  • Heb.11:6 — He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him

A. Access to God:

  • Rom.5:2 — We have access by faith into this grace
  • Eph.3:11,12 — We have access…by the faith of Him

B. God’s love:

  • Psa.32:10 — He that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass him
  • Jn.16:27 — The Father loveth you, because ye…have believed

C. Righteousness & purity:

  • Gen.15:6 — He (Abraham) believed in the Lord; & He counted it to him for righteousness (See also Rom.4:1-5)
  • Acts 15:9 — Purifying their hearts by faith
  • Rom.4:8,9 — Faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness
  • Rom.9:30b — The righteousness which is of faith
  • Phi.3:9 — That which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith

D. The Holy Spirit:

  • Jn.7:38,39 — He that believeth on Me (Jesus)…out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water…the Spirit
  • Gal.3:14 — We…receive the promise of the Spirit through faith

E. Protection against the devil’s attacks & lies:

  • Eph.6:16 — Shield of faith…quench all the fiery darts [doubts] 1Thes.5:8 Putting on the breastplate of faith & love

F. Rewards in Heaven:

  • Jn.14:1-3 — Believe in Me…I go to prepare a (mansion) for you
  • Heb.11:13,16 — These all died in faith…He (God) hath prepared for them a city

G. Conviction to witness our faith:

  • 2Cor.4:13 — Having spirit of faith…we believe, & therefore speak

H. Spiritual strength:

  • Psa.27:13 — I had fainted, unless I had believed to see
  • Psa.31:24 — He shall strengthen your heart, ye that hope in Lord
  • Isa.26:4 — Trust ye in the Lord…for in the Lord is… strength
  • Isa.30:15b — In confidence (faith) shall be your strength
  • 1Jn.5:4b — This is the victory that overcometh the world…faith

I. Stability:

  • 2Chr.20:20b — Believe in the Lord…so shall ye be established
  • Psa.125:1 — They that trust in the Lord…cannot be removed

J. Joy:

  • Psa.33:21 — Our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His holy name
  • Psa.146:5 — Happy is he…whose hope is in the Lord his God
  • Pro.16:20b — Whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he
  • Acts 16:34 — He…rejoiced, believing in God
  • 1Pet.1:8 — Ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy

K. Understanding:

  • Heb.11:3 — Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God

L. Protection:

  • Psa.5:11 — [They] put their trust in Thee…Thou defendest them
  • Psa.115:1 — Trust in the Lord: He is their help & their shield
  • Pro.29:25 — Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe
  • Pro.30:5 — (God) is a shield unto them that put trust in Him
  • Jer.39:17,18 — I will surely deliver thee…because thou hast put thy trust in Me
  • Heb.11:31 — By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not (See Josh.2:1-22; 6:17,22-25.)

M. Provision:

  • Psa.33:18,19 — Them that hope in His mercy…keep alive in famine
  • Psa.37:3 — Trust in the Lord…so shalt thou dwell in the land, & verily thou shalt be fed
  • Jer.17:7,8 — Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord…he shall not (worry) in drought, [nor] cease from yielding fruit
  • Mal.3:10 — Prove Me herewith, if I will not open you the windows of Heaven, & pour you out a blessing

N. Healing:

  • Psa.42:11 — Hope thou in God…Who is the health of my countenance
  • Mk.5:25-29,34 — If I…touch His (Jesus’) clothes, I shall be whole. [Jesus said:] Thy faith hath made thee whole
  • Mk.10:51,52 — Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole
  • Lk.8:49,50 — Fear not: believe only, & she shall be made whole
  • Jam.5:14,15 — Prayer of faith shall save the sick…Lord shall raise him

O. Desires of your heart:

  • Psa.37:4,5 — Trust in Lord…& He shall give desires of thine heart
  • P. Resurrection from the dead:
  • Job 19:25-27 — [Job declared that though his flesh was utterly consumed & destroyed, he would have a new body]
  • Jn.11:25,26 — He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live (See also 1Cor.15:12-20)

6. Trusting in the Lord’s promises:

A. You trust in God’s promises because you trust Him:

  • Mat.8:5-10 — The centurion said, Lord…speak the word only
  • Lk.5:4,5 — We have toiled all the night, & taken nothing: Nevertheless at Thy word I will let down the net
  • 2Tim.1:12b — I know Whom I believed, & am persuaded He is able
  • Heb.10:23 — Hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for He is faithful that promised
  • Heb.11:11b — [Childless Sara] judged Him faithful Who had promised
  • (See also 2Chr.6:14,15)

B. You trust He is able to fulfil His promises:

  • Rom.4:20-24 — Being fully persuaded that, what He had promised, He was able also to perform
  • 2Cor.1:20 — All the promises of God in Him (Jesus) are yea, & Amen
  • Eph.3:20 — He is able to do exceeding…above all that we ask

C. God is able to do anything:

  • Jer.32:27 — I am the Lord…is there anything too hard for Me?
  • Jer.32:17 — Ah Lord God! There is nothing too hard for Thee
  • Mat.19:26 — With God all things are possible
  • Lk.1:37 — With God nothing shall be impossible
  • Rom.4:17 — God…calleth those things which be not as though they were

D. You trust Him because He has not failed in the past:

  • 1Ki.8:56 — There hath not failed one word of His good promise
  • (See also 2Chr.6:15)

E. You know He will not go back on His Word:

  • Num.23:19 — Hath He said, & shall He not do it? Or hath He spoken, & shall He not make it good?
  • Psa.119:49 — Remember the Word…upon which Thou hath caused me to hope
  • Heb.6:18a — It (is) impossible for God to lie

7. Faith vs. natural reasoning:

  • 1Sam.16:7 — The Lord seeth not as man seeth; man looketh on the outward appearance…Lord looketh on the heart
  • Psa.118:8 — It is better to trust in the Lord than…in man
  • Pro.3:5,6 — Trust in Lord; & lean not unto thine own understanding
  • Isa.11:3 — He shall not judge (according to) the sight of his eyes
  • Isa.55:8,9 — Neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord
  • Jer.17:5 — Cursed be the man that trusteth in man [& not in God]
  • Jn.20:29b — Blessed are they that have not seen, & yet…believed
  • 1Cor.1:21 — The world by wisdom knew not God
  • 1Cor.2:5 — Your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God
  • 1Cor.2:14a — The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit
  • 2Cor.5:7 — For we walk by faith, not by sight

8. The power of faith:

A. Genuine believing faith has tremendous power:

  • Mk.9:23 — If thou canst believe, all things are possible
  • Lk.7:50 — Thy faith hath saved thee [woman who touched His hem]
  • Lk.18:42 — Receive thy sight: thy faith hath saved thee
  • Jn.14:12 — He that believeth on Me…greater works…shall he do
  • Acts 6:8 — Stephen, full of faith…did great wonders & miracles
  • Jam.5:15 — The prayer of faith shall save the sick

B. “Faith as a grain of mustard seed”:

  • Mat.17:20b — Say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place
  • Mat.21:21,22 — Ye shall not only do this which is done to fig tree
  • Mk.11:22,23 — Have faith in God…say unto mountain, Be removed
  • Lk.17:6 — Say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up

C. Faith trusts God to do outright miracles:

  • Num.13:26-30 — [Caleb had faith to conquer the promised land]
  • Josh.14:6,12 — [Caleb had the faith to drive out the giants]
  • 1Sam.17:37 — [David said:] The Lord will deliver me (from Goliath)
  • Lk.18:27 — Things…impossible with men are possible with God
  • Heb.11:11 — Through faith, Sarah received strength to conceive …when she was past age
  • Heb.11:29 — By faith they passed through the Red Sea
  • Heb.11:30 — By faith the walls of Jericho fell down
  • Heb.11:33-35 — Through faith…stopped the mouths of lions…women received their dead raised to life again [etc.]

D. Answer to prayer depends on our faith; the Lord can do anything, but we need to believe:

  • Mat.9:27-30 — Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said, Yea. [Jesus said:] According to your faith be it unto you
  • Mat.8:13 — As thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee
  • Mat.17:19,20 — Why could not we cast him out? Because of unbelief
  • Mat.21:21,22 — If ye have faith, & doubt not…ye shall receive

E. Believing, expectant faith will be rewarded:

  • Mat.15:28 — Great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt
  • Mk.5:22,23 — [Jairus said:] Come…that she may be healed. [And she was—See vs.35,36,41,42.]
  • Mk.9:23 — All things are possible to him that believeth
  • Mk.11:23 — Whosoever…shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe…he shall have whatsoever he saith
  • Lk.1:45 — Blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her
  • Jn.11:40 — If thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God

F. Persevering faith:

  • Mat.15:22-28 — A woman…cried to Him, Have mercy on me…He answered not a word [She continued insisting until He did]
  • Mk.10:46-52 — [Blind Bartimaeus continued crying out to Jesus until Jesus granted his request for healing]

G. Faith & patience:

  • Rom.8:25 — If we hope (have faith) for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it
  • Heb.6:12b — Who through faith & patience inherit the promises
  • Heb.6:15 — After he patiently endured, he obtained the promise
  • Heb.10:35,36 — Cast not away your confidence (faith)…After ye have done the will of God…receive the promise
  • Jam.1:3 — The trying of your faith worketh patience

9. The testing of our faith:

  • 1Pet.1:6,7 — Trial of your faith…more precious than gold
  • Job 23:10 — When He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold

A. God tests our faith:

  • Gen.22:1-18 — [God tested Abraham to see if he was willing to offer Isaac as a sacrifice] (See also Heb.11:17-19)
  • Josh.6:2-5 — [He had Israelites merely walk around walls of Jericho]
  • Judg.7:2-7 — [He had Gideon drastically reduce the size of his army]
  • Jn.11:23,39-40 — Take ye away the stone. Lord, by this time he stinketh
  • Acts 5:17-20 — [Just released from prison, the apostles are commanded to go preach publicly again]
  • (See also Deut.8:2)

B. He allows the devil & wicked men to test saints’ faith:

  • Dan.3:14-27 — [Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego:] God…will deliver us …but if not…we will not serve thy gods
  • Mat.4:1-11 — [The devil tempted Jesus :] If Thou be the Son of God, cast Thyself down
  • Heb.11:35-38 — [Saints were] stoned, sawn asunder, tempted, slain

10. If you have true faith:

A. You will continue to trust God, even when things look hopeless:

  • Job 13:15 — [Job, having lost his wealth, family & health, said:] Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him
  • Dan.3:16-18 — Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace…& out of thine hand, O king
  • Mat.8:24,26 — There arose a great tempest…the ship was covered with waves, [but Jesus chided His disciples for fearing]
  • Jn.11:21,22 — [Four days after Lazarus died, Mary said:] I know, that even now, whatsoever Thou wilt ask…God will give it
  • Acts 27:18-25 — All hope…was taken away. (But Paul said:) I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me
  • Acts 28:3-6 — [Paul calmly shook off a poisonous snake that had just bitten him]
  • Rom.4:18 — Who against hope believed in hope, that he (Abraham) might [re ceive the promise]
  • Rom.4:20 — He staggered not at promise of God through unbelief
  • (See also 2Chr.32:7,8; Isa.26:3; Jon.2:1-9; Acts 9:36-38.)

B. You will not be shaken or alarmed at bad news:

  • Psa.112:7 — He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed (established), trusting in the Lord

C. You will not fret or run around anxiously:

  • Isa.28:16b — He that believeth shall not make haste
  • Pro.19:2b — He that hasteth with his feet sinneth

D. If you trust, you will obey & put your faith into action.—Your deeds & words will show your faith:

  • Psa.116:10 — I believed, therefore have I spoken
  • Mat.8:5-8,13 — [The centurion believed Jesus’ word, returned home] & his servant was healed in the selfsame hour
  • Mat.12:10a,13 — [Jesus tells man with withered hand:] stretch forth thine hand. And he (did); & it was restored whole
  • Mk.7:25-30 — [Syrophenician woman believed Jesus, went to her home & found her daughter well]
  • Lk.17:11-19 — [Ten lepers:] As they went, they were cleansed (healed)
  • Jn.4:46-53 — Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word…& he went his way
  • Jn.11:39-41 — Take ye away the stone. They took away the stone [& Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead]
  • Heb.11:7 — By faith Noah, moved…prepared an ark
  • Jam.2:21-26 — As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also
  • (See also Josh.6:1-16,20; Judg.7:7,16-22; 1Ki.17:9-16; 2Ki.3:9-11,16-20; 4:1-6; Heb.11:8,17,23.)

E. Declarations of faith, followed by victorious action:

  • 1Sam.14:6-16 — There is no restraint to Lord to save by many or few
  • 1Sam.17:32-50 — The Lord…will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine
  • Judg.7:15-22 — Arise; for Lord hath delivered [them] into your hand

11. Lack of faith:

A. Warnings not to doubt or lose faith:

  • Mat.14:31 — O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
  • Jn.20:27 — Be not faithless, but believing
  • Lk.12:29,30 — Neither be ye of doubtful mind
  • Heb.3:12 — Take heed…lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God
  • Heb.4:11 — Lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief
  • Heb.10:35 — Cast not away therefore your confidence (faith)

B. The consequences of not having faith:

  • Deut.32:20 — I will hide My face from…children in whom is no faith
  • Isa.7:9b — If ye will not believe, ye shall not be established
  • Mat.13:58 — Did not many mighty works because of their unbelief
  • Jn.3:36b — He that believeth not the Son shall not see life
  • Rom.14:23b — For whatsoever is not of faith is sin
  • 1Tim.1:19 — Faith…which some having put away, made shipwreck
  • Heb.3:18,19 — They should not enter in [& receive God’s promises] because of unbelief
  • Heb.11:6 — Without faith it is impossible to please Him (God)
  • Jam.1:6,7 — Ask in faith, nothing wavering…he that wavereth…shall receive (nothing) of the Lord
  • Jude 5 — The Lord…destroyed them that believed not

C. Weak or doubting faith seeks miracles & signs:

  • Mat.16:1,4 — A wicked…generation seeketh after a sign
  • Jn.20:24-29 — Jesus saith, Thomas, because thou hast seen Me, thou hast believed
  • 1Cor.1:22a — The Jews require a sign

D. Faith or doubt?—To do or not to do:

  • Mat.9:29 — According to your faith be it unto you
  • Rom.14:5b — Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind
  • Rom.14:22 — Hast thou faith? Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth
  • Rom.14:23 — He that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: Whatsoever is not of faith is sin

Special chapter: Hebrews 11 “The Faith Chapter” or “Faith’s Hall of Fame”

2 thoughts on “Faith

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