
The purpose of What does the bible say about … is to clearly outline the basic beliefs that form the foundation for true Biblical Christianity. It is “a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us…that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave”. (Luke1:1 ; 1 Timothy.3:14,15)
        What does the bible say about … will undoubtedly prove to be a very useful and helpful topical concordance and study aid for all Christians who read it. Familiarizing yourself with the Scriptures herein will deepen your knowledge of God’s Word, which will prove to be “a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path” (Psalm119:105), a continual source of strength and direction.
        It will also be a particularly valuable tool to all active witnesses, lay workers and missionaries who wish to instruct new Christians in basic Biblical truths. Pastors & counselors will find it a great help when instructing or counseling others. Parents will also find it a most helpful tool in bringing up their children in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord”. (Ephesians 6:4)
        It is our hope that the Lord will use this handbook to encourage and strengthen the faith of all of its readers & to open the Scriptures to those who are unfamiliar with them. And most importantly, we hope that it will fulfill its principal purpose of placing a compact Bible manual in the hands of all Christian workers, aiding them to “feed the flock of God which is among them”. (1 Peter5:2)

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